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Ingredients: Ancho chili, Hungarian paprika, garlic, mexican oregano, cumin, onion, tomato powder, cocoa, sugar, salt, cinnamon and black pepper


Macho Mole` was devoloped out of a love for Mole`. While traditional Mole` takes hours to prepare our blend allows you to complete the process in about 30 minutes! The beauty of this blend is you control the sweet and bitterness by adding more sugar for sweetness or more dark chocolate for bitterness. The final results is pure Mole` joy! Find our recipes under recipes and Macho Mole`. Use with chicken, pulled pork, even Tofu! Don't want to fuss with a sauce? Well you don't have to, try as a rub on your favorite cut of meat! Here's to happy grilling!


Macho Mole`

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    If you love Mole` at your favorite Mexican restaurant you are in for quite the treat.

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